Fighting Cancer A Second Time

I never thought I’d be here again, but here I am fighting cancer a second time. I was so heartened to read all the kind encouraging comments in my absence. Thank you to all the kind souls out there –  you truly give me strength.

I was shocked to discover that I had a recurrence. I had just been regaining my fitness and got into a new routine when my second annual pet scan revealed a tumour near my small intestines. Also my CA125 scores that had been very good, 4 or 5, way within the normal of 35 and had given me hope. However this time it had spiked to 119. Still I had hope that it was an anomaly.

Since then I feel like I’ve surmounted the Everest, undergoing my third cancer related major surgery. I am so incredibly thankful that I didn’t need a stoma as my colon wasn’t affected, just my small intestines of which 14cm was removed & the healthy parts stitched back together. Resected.

It’s now been 2 weeks since surgery & I am home recouperating. So happy to be out of hospital after an 8 day stay. I never do well in hospitals and always my recovery is rapid once I’m home. Home sweet home – nothing beats it.

I have to confess, I’m more hopeful in the day time, but worries come to me at night when I’m alone in the dark. So what better way to cope than to start writing on my blog again & connecting with all the kind people around the world. You truly keep me going.

By the way my name means peace & I hope writing will afford me more peace of mind.





About bookjunkie

Blogging about life in Singapore & recently cancer too.
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6 Responses to Fighting Cancer A Second Time

  1. Geri says:

    Night is always the time the fears creep in. I find praying for all my friends and family helps me to keep my mind off of my worries. I pray for you too.

  2. Erina says:

    How beautiful that your name means Peace. I’ve often wondered what your name is. Somehow it’s hard to think of you as Bookjunkie. I’ve been reading your Instagram so I knew that you are again facing a fight. Have strength and stay positive, as you are. I can’t imagine how hard this all is, but I know that you will prevail. I think of you often, sending energy and warmth.

    Erina in Florida

  3. Boiling Wok says:

    So sorry to hear about your recurrence. Get well soon!

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